Contenidos educativos digitales

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2009

Educarex nos ofrece unos Contenidos Educativos Digitales muy atractivos para su uso en clase, especialmente en PDI. Los puedes usar online o los puedes descargar.

Si os interesa .PINCHA AQUÍ

PAP(Programa de Aprendizaje Permanente)

Os iré enviando toda la información que vaya llegando de todos los programas del PAP a través del correo electrónico de vuestros centros.
Si os interesa que os lo mande personalmente ,mandarme vuestro correo electrónico a la siguiente dirección:

Un saludo de MªCarmen Jiménez

P.A.L.E. courses in UK‏

martes, 24 de noviembre de 2009

Os envío cursos sobre metodología CLIL, que pueden ser objeto de una formación continua Comenius.

Os añado también la información que nos han enviado junto con los contactos.

Un cordial saludo.

P.A.L.E. Courses in England, Scotland, Wales & Ireland

Further to our recent email regarding Comenius courses, I would like to draw your attention to our courses for teachers involved in P.A.L.E.

1. Numerous groups of P.A.L.E. teachers from other regions in Spain usually attend our July courses every year. However, in 2010 they have decided to attend spring courses instead. Therefore, we will now have unexpected extra availability for groups of Spanish teachers in our busiest month – July.

2. We would be pleased to welcome your P.A.L.E. teachers (individuals or groups) on our July 2010 teachers’ courses or any of our Comenius courses in 2010, where they can mix with teachers of other nationalities. Special prices are available for groups. We attach details of our:

· Courses for Primary teaches

· CLIL courses for Primary teachers

· CLIL courses for Secondary teachers

3. Alternatively we would be pleased to arrange tailor-made closed courses of any duration for your P.A.L.E. group(s) in July or at any other dates in 2010.

4. Our methodology workshops are conducted by top teacher trainers, including CLIL expert Dr Diana Hicks (author of “Cambridge English for schools", “Cambridge English worldwide”, "Primary Colours" and "Pingu's English")

5. Our courses held during British term-time include visits to local schools with observation of relevant classes and discussion with teachers.

6. Course locations with host family accommodation include:

England: Cheltenham, Colchester, Exeter, Gloucester, Ipswich, Maidstone, Portsmouth, Shrewsbury, Southampton; Wales: Cardiff; Scotland: Dunfermline; Ireland: Belfast

7. Course locations with residential (university) accommodation include:

Portsmouth, Maidstone, Cardiff, Belfast

If you would like further information please do not hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards

Anne Hopwood


International Study Programmes
The Manor
Cheltenham, GL54 4EB

Telephone: 0044 1451 860379
Fax: 0044 1451 860482

En esta página encontrareis diversos materiales para utilizar en el aula de inglés .PINCHA AQUÍ

lecturas recomendadas

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2009

Si os interesan pinchar AQUÍ

sugerencias de lectura

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2009

Vamos a iniciar, gracias a los libros, un fabuloso viaje a través del mundo. Conoceremos a personas con formas y maneras de vivir distintas. Todos conviven con nosotros en esta Tierra que tanto tenemos que cuidar.